Testing Cassandra


My goal with this testing was to use cassandra-stress to first write data to the cluster with QUORUM consistency while simultaneously deleting one of the pods in each datacenter, and see that Kubernetes restarted the deleted pods and that the cluster came back to health. Afterwards, I would re-run cassandra-stress in read mode to show that no data was lost.

I first created a keyspace using NetworkTopologyStrategy:

$ kubectl exec -it cassandra-0 --namespace=azure-1 -- /bin/bash
root@cassandra-0:/# cqlsh
Connected to Cassandra at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.4 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE "keyspace1" WITH replication = { 'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'AWS-1': 3, 'AZURE-1': 3 };
cqlsh> exit

Then I ran cassandra-stress against the cluster, first writing 100K keys:

root@cassandra-0:/# cassandra-stress write n=100000 cl=quorum -mode native cql3
******************** Stress Settings ********************
  Type: write
  Count: 100,000
  No Warmup: false
  Consistency Level: QUORUM
  Target Uncertainty: not applicable
  Key Size (bytes): 10
  Counter Increment Distibution: add=fixed(1)
Connected to cluster: Cassandra, max pending requests per connection 128, max connections per host 8
Datatacenter: AWS-1; Host: /; Rack: Rack1
Datatacenter: AZURE-1; Host: localhost/; Rack: Rack1
Datatacenter: AZURE-1; Host: /; Rack: Rack1
Datatacenter: AWS-1; Host: /; Rack: Rack1
Datatacenter: AZURE-1; Host: /; Rack: Rack1
Datatacenter: AWS-1; Host: /; Rack: Rack1
Created keyspaces. Sleeping 1s for propagation.
Sleeping 2s...
Warming up WRITE with 25000 iterations...
Failed to connect over JMX; not collecting these stats
Running WRITE with 200 threads for 100000 iteration
Failed to connect over JMX; not collecting these stats
type       total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
total,           387,     387,     387,     387,   128.8,   126.5,   215.6,   275.5,   407.1,   407.1,    1.0,  0.00000,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
total,          1487,    1100,    1100,    1100,   182.9,   159.9,   334.0,   446.2,   494.4,   498.9,    2.0,  0.38295,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
total,          3316,    1829,    1829,    1829,   118.1,   119.4,   189.9,   255.1,   300.4,   300.7,    3.0,  0.26751,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
Op rate                   :    1,855 op/s  [WRITE: 1,855 op/s]
Partition rate            :    1,855 pk/s  [WRITE: 1,855 pk/s]
Row rate                  :    1,855 row/s [WRITE: 1,855 row/s]
Latency mean              :  106.4 ms [WRITE: 106.4 ms]
Latency median            :   91.0 ms [WRITE: 91.0 ms]
Latency 95th percentile   :  233.2 ms [WRITE: 233.2 ms]
Latency 99th percentile   :  386.9 ms [WRITE: 386.9 ms]
Latency 99.9th percentile :  619.2 ms [WRITE: 619.2 ms]
Latency max               :  855.6 ms [WRITE: 855.6 ms]
Total partitions          :    100,000 [WRITE: 100,000]
Total errors              :          0 [WRITE: 0]
Total GC count            : 0
Total GC memory           : 0.000 KiB
Total GC time             :    0.0 seconds
Avg GC time               :    NaN ms
StdDev GC time            :    0.0 ms
Total operation time      : 00:00:53


During this test, I opened another terminal and deleted one of the pods from each datacenter:

$ kubectl config use-context kube-aws
Switched to context "kube-aws".
$ kubectl delete pod cassandra-1 --namespace=aws-1
pod "cassandra-1" deleted
$ kubectl config use-context kube-azure
Switched to context "kube-azure".
$ kubectl delete pod cassandra-1 --namespace=azure-1
pod "cassandra-1" deleted

Kubernetes restarted the deleted pods automatically. One was up and running during the test, and the other took a couple minutes to come up after the test completed. nodetool status showed that the new pods seamlessly took the place of the deleted ones.

I then ran a read test of 100K keys which completed with no errors, showing that no data was lost. During this test I also killed one of the nodes and it came back up and rejoined the cluster during the test.

root@cassandra-0:/# cassandra-stress read n=100000 cl=quorum -mode native cql3
******************** Stress Settings ********************
  Type: read
  Count: 100,000
  No Warmup: false
  Consistency Level: QUORUM
  Target Uncertainty: not applicable
  Key Size (bytes): 10
  Counter Increment Distibution: add=fixed(1)
             id, type       total ops,    op/s,    pk/s,   row/s,    mean,     med,     .95,     .99,    .999,     max,   time,   stderr, errors,  gc: #,  max ms,  sum ms,  sdv ms,      mb
  4 threadCount, READ,         100000,     690,     690,     690,     5.8,     4.5,    12.8,    24.4,    55.9,   152.4,  144.9,  0.02011,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
  4 threadCount, total,        100000,     690,     690,     690,     5.8,     4.5,    12.8,    24.4,    55.9,   152.4,  144.9,  0.02011,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
  8 threadCount, READ,         100000,    1196,    1196,    1196,     6.6,     5.6,    13.1,    26.3,    55.3,   156.1,   83.6,  0.01719,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
  8 threadCount, total,        100000,    1196,    1196,    1196,     6.6,     5.6,    13.1,    26.3,    55.3,   156.1,   83.6,  0.01719,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 16 threadCount, READ,         100000,    1632,    1632,    1632,     9.7,     8.3,    19.1,    35.5,    70.6,   173.7,   61.3,  0.01601,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 16 threadCount, total,        100000,    1632,    1632,    1632,     9.7,     8.3,    19.1,    35.5,    70.6,   173.7,   61.3,  0.01601,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 24 threadCount, READ,         100000,    1951,    1951,    1951,    12.2,    10.5,    23.5,    46.5,    88.6,   165.2,   51.3,  0.01996,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 24 threadCount, total,        100000,    1951,    1951,    1951,    12.2,    10.5,    23.5,    46.5,    88.6,   165.2,   51.3,  0.01996,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 36 threadCount, READ,         100000,    1898,    1898,    1898,    18.8,    15.3,    40.5,    71.7,   153.9,   300.7,   52.7,  0.03235,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 36 threadCount, total,        100000,    1898,    1898,    1898,    18.8,    15.3,    40.5,    71.7,   153.9,   300.7,   52.7,  0.03235,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 54 threadCount, READ,         100000,    1779,    1779,    1779,    29.9,    25.0,    62.3,   121.8,   192.4,   258.1,   56.2,  0.02635,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 54 threadCount, total,        100000,    1779,    1779,    1779,    29.9,    25.0,    62.3,   121.8,   192.4,   258.1,   56.2,  0.02635,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 81 threadCount, READ,         100000,    2539,    2539,    2539,    31.6,    27.5,    62.8,   104.2,   170.1,   239.3,   39.4,  0.01962,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
 81 threadCount, total,        100000,    2539,    2539,    2539,    31.6,    27.5,    62.8,   104.2,   170.1,   239.3,   39.4,  0.01962,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
121 threadCount, READ,         100000,    3035,    3035,    3035,    39.2,    34.6,    75.2,   131.8,   231.9,   359.1,   32.9,  0.02576,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
121 threadCount, total,        100000,    3035,    3035,    3035,    39.2,    34.6,    75.2,   131.8,   231.9,   359.1,   32.9,  0.02576,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
181 threadCount, READ,         100000,    3307,    3307,    3307,    54.6,    48.3,   106.4,   188.0,   266.9,   359.1,   30.2,  0.02941,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
181 threadCount, total,        100000,    3307,    3307,    3307,    54.6,    48.3,   106.4,   188.0,   266.9,   359.1,   30.2,  0.02941,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
271 threadCount, READ,         100000,    3688,    3688,    3688,    72.2,    65.8,   140.2,   206.6,   299.4,   391.9,   27.1,  0.08923,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
271 threadCount, total,        100000,    3688,    3688,    3688,    72.2,    65.8,   140.2,   206.6,   299.4,   391.9,   27.1,  0.08923,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
406 threadCount, READ,         100000,    3690,    3690,    3690,   108.6,    98.6,   218.8,   338.2,   498.3,   676.9,   27.1,  0.09736,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
406 threadCount, total,        100000,    3690,    3690,    3690,   108.6,    98.6,   218.8,   338.2,   498.3,   676.9,   27.1,  0.09736,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
609 threadCount, READ,         100000,    4339,    4339,    4339,   137.7,   127.7,   265.0,   370.9,   515.1,   608.7,   23.0,  0.05923,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
609 threadCount, total,        100000,    4339,    4339,    4339,   137.7,   127.7,   265.0,   370.9,   515.1,   608.7,   23.0,  0.05923,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
913 threadCount, READ,         100000,    4269,    4269,    4269,   209.3,   188.1,   431.8,   577.2,   751.8,  1044.9,   23.4,  0.50210,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0
913 threadCount, total,        100000,    4269,    4269,    4269,   209.3,   188.1,   431.8,   577.2,   751.8,  1044.9,   23.4,  0.50210,      0,      0,       0,       0,       0,       0

While this is not any kind of definitive test of production readiness, it shows that the Cassandra cluster does function normally as multiple StatefulSets across independent Kubernetes clusters and cloud providers, and can recover from node failures.

It would be great to hear if anyone else has deployed Cassandra across cloud providers in this or any other way, and (as I am relatively new to Cassandra) if there are any important considerations I have missed.