Install Kubernetes


Kubernetes on Azure

Azure makes it particularly easy to install a Kubernetes cluster. Start by adding a Kubernetes service:

Add Azure kubernetes service
Create Kubernetes cluster in Azure

My free trial required a node count of 1, which is fine for this exercise. A production deployment should have at least 3 nodes.

On the Networking screen, disable HTTP application routing and enable Advanced network configuration. Select the virtual network and subnet you created earlier.

AKS networking
AKS networking

I left the other screens unchanged from their defaults.

Azure creates the Kubernetes control plane, nodes with private IPs in the subnet, and various other resources including a network security group that you can see on the “All resources” screen. You need to add an inbound security rule to the network security group to allow traffic from the AWS virtual private gateway IP, and also a rule to access your cluster over SSH from your PC (which you will need later).

Allow SSH inbound rule
Allow SSH inbound rule


Allow AWS inbound rule
Allow AWS inbound rule

Your final inbound rules should look like this:

AKS security group inbound rules
AKS security group inbound rules

Connect to Azure AKS Cluster

Azure’s Cloud Shell will automatically log you into your account, or alternatively you can run az login in your terminal. Once logged in, run az aks get-credentials --resource-group multi-cloud-cassandra --name kube-azure to add and activate a kube-azure context. Then you can confirm connectivity to AKS with:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                       STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
aks-agentpool-13076474-0   Ready     agent     140m      v1.13.9

View the AKS Dashboard

First run the following command to grant admin privileges to the dashboard’s service account. (Note that this is not recommended for a production K8S environment.)

$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding kubernetes-dashboard --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:kubernetes-dashboard

Then launch the dashboard with the following command:

$ az aks browse --resource-group multi-cloud-cassandra --name kube-azure

Kubernetes on AWS

Setting up Kubernetes in AWS is more of a manual process, with several pitfalls to avoid. I followed this page, except you can skip the prerequisite “Create your Amazon EKS Cluster VPC.”

Create the EKS Service Role

Creating EKS Service Role
Creating EKS Service Role


EKS Service Role
EKS Service Role

Note the Role ARN, which you will use when creating the EKS cluster.

Install the kubectl binary and latest awscli if you don’t already have them.

Create the EKS User

Now when installing the EKS cluster, one gotcha which is mentioned is that the IAM entity that creates the cluster is the only user that can initially make calls to the cluster’s API server. After being burned creating the cluster with the root AWS user in the AWS console, I started over using the CLI. Here are the steps I ran with some trial-and-error.

Create an IAM policy “eks-cli” with the following JSON:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

Create a group called “eks” with this policy. Then create a new IAM user “eks-cli” with programmatic access and add it to the group. Note the access key ID and secret access key.

Add the user to your local ~/.aws/credentials file:

aws_access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws_secret_access_key = SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Add the profile to your local ~/.aws/config file, specifying the VPC region from earlier:

[profile eks-cli]
output = json
region = us-east-1

You can now assume this user profile by setting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable:

$ export AWS_PROFILE=eks-cli
$ aws configure list
      Name                    Value             Type    Location
      ----                    -----             ----    --------
   profile                  eks-cli           manual    --profile
access_key     ****************XVDA shared-credentials-file    
secret_key     ****************ledQ shared-credentials-file    
    region                us-east-1      config-file    ~/.aws/config

Create the EKS Cluster

In order to create your EKS cluster, you need a few pieces of information from earlier:

  • The EKS service role ARN
  • The 2 VPC subnet IDs
  • The group ID of the default VPC security group

Create the cluster control plane, allowing both public and private access to the Kubernetes API server endpoint. (It took some trial-and-error to figure out that public API access was needed. The issue was that my worker nodes were not joining the cluster without public API access. Additionally, this page states that “Worker nodes also require outbound internet access to the Amazon EKS APIs for cluster introspection and node registration at launch time,” which seems to imply that the cluster requires a public API.)

$ aws eks create-cluster --name kube-aws --role-arn ROLE_ARN --resources-vpc-config subnetIds=SUBNET_ID_1,SUBNET_ID_2,securityGroupIds=VPC_SECURITY_GROUP_ID,endpointPublicAccess=true,endpointPrivateAccess=true

You will see JSON output indicating the cluster is being created. A few minutes later, the cluster is ready.

$ aws eks describe-cluster --name kube-aws
    "cluster": {
        "name": "kube-aws",
        "arn": "arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:796428081257:cluster/kube-aws",
        "createdAt": 1565831792.558,
        "version": "1.13",
        "endpoint": "",
        "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::796428081257:role/eksServiceRole",
        "resourcesVpcConfig": {
            "subnetIds": [
            "securityGroupIds": [
            "vpcId": "vpc-0985e52244919a611",
            "endpointPublicAccess": true,
            "endpointPrivateAccess": true
        "logging": {
            "clusterLogging": [
                    "types": [
                    "enabled": false
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "certificateAuthority": {
            "data": "..."
        "platformVersion": "eks.2"

Follow the instructions to configure a kubeconfig file for kubectl. There are multiple ways to set this up, using the cluster name, role ARN or AWS profile name. Use the role ARN or profile name if you don’t want to rely on the current value of the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. Since I was already logged in as the eks-cli user, I ran:

$ aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name kube-aws --alias kube-aws
Added new context kube-aws to /Users/bbesterman/.kube/config

$ kubectl get svc
kubernetes   ClusterIP           443/TCP   6m51s

You can now switch back and forth between the Azure and AWS Kubernetes contexts easily:

$ kubectl config use-context kube-azure
Switched to context "kube-azure".
$ kubectl get svc
kubernetes   ClusterIP             443/TCP   4h26m
$ kubectl config use-context kube-aws
Switched to context "kube-aws".
$ kubectl get svc
kubernetes   ClusterIP           443/TCP   18m

Install EKS Worker Nodes

To install the EKS worker nodes, follow step 3 of the instructions and use Cloud Formation. (You may want to create an EC2 key pair beforehand if you don’t have one to use for the KeyName.)

Even though we are deploying the worker nodes to private subnets, leave the CloudFormation template parameter “AssociatePublicIpAddress” set to true. This is because the worker nodes must access the Internet to reach the K8S cluster API, and this requires them to have a public IP address since we are using an Internet Gateway and not a NAT Gateway.

For the ClusterControlPlaneSecurityGroup, choose the cluster security group shown in the output above. For the worker network configuration, choose the VPC and 2 subnets you set up earlier. I chose the t3.medium EC2 instance type and otherwise left the recommended node counts at their defaults.

After the stack is created, complete the steps to enable the worker nodes to join the cluster. Once the workers are ready, confirm you can connect to the cluster.

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                         STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
ip-10-9-1-111.ec2.internal   Ready         53m       v1.13.8-eks-cd3eb0
ip-10-9-2-227.ec2.internal   Ready         53m       v1.13.8-eks-cd3eb0
ip-10-9-2-72.ec2.internal    Ready         53m       v1.13.8-eks-cd3eb0

Install the Kubernetes dashboard by following the steps on this page.

Phew! You are done installing Kubernetes on AWS. However, there is one more step which is needed to allow traffic from Azure to the AWS worker nodes. You do this by modifying the worker nodes’ security group, allowing all traffic from the network.

Allow Azure traffic to AWS worker nodes
Allow Azure traffic to AWS worker nodes

Now you can proceed to install Cassandra in each cluster. Kubernetes makes this part much easier than having to install and configure Cassandra nodes individually.